Saturday 7 February 2015

Club & Tournament Sponsorship for your club.

Grass roots sport. Its not easy!

Kitts Green Colts. Many happy years.

The picture above shows a football team that I started in 1994. These Kitts Green Colts players took over my life for nearly ten years. Years that I remember with pride and happiness. What the picture does not show is the amount of hard work involved in providing that team with the tools to make them successful.
It took quite a while to get the balls, bibs, cones, mini-goal posts, kits, bags and all the other stuff needed, too much to mention here but I think if you run a sports club you will know what I mean.
So to get those things we raised money through club subs, raffles, scratch cards, organising tournaments and also, with sponsorship, with the help of a couple of local builders.
These builders gave me a cheque for a few hundred quid and I had their names printed on the team shirts. The cost of the printing took up about 30 per cent of the cheque they gave me but I was still grateful for what was left.

Tougher times.

These days in the current financial climate  its harder to twist the arms of small business men and woman. As a sole trader myself with a marketing budget to work within I have to decide the most cost effective way of spending my budget to get a return on my investment.

Club and Tournament Sponsorship.

Having said all the above I think that we can provide a level of sponsorship from my budget to clubs or tournaments that reach  a certain criteria. 

We do not ask your club or event for anything in return so all our sponsor money except access to your members  so sponsor money is pure profit for the club. Free money

This is calculated  using the following formula
  • The number of teams and players in your club
  • The number of competitors in your tournament
  • The amount of access we can have to the members of your club.
We are a photography service so our aim is to sell photos and photographic products to members and competitors. If we feel that we have enough access and opportunity to offer your members products then we will offer sponsorship.

Example 1

A football club has 6 teams. Each team has 15 players. Total 90 players

We have access to teams twice a year for pre-season photos and presentation event photos

Total photo opportunities 180

If we average £6.00 profit per opportunity total sales would be £1080.00 (180 x 6)

Sponsorship offered would be £250.00

Remember. The cost to the club is Zero. We do not ask for money to be spent on club shirts.
Basically its money for nothing.

Example 2

A cross country league runs 6 events throughout the winter.

Total runners at each event 200.
Total  photo opportunities 1200 200 x 6
If we average £2.00 per competitor =£2400.00

Total Sponsorship offered £600.00

Each team or tournament will have a different number of photo ops.

Give Geoff a call now to talk about your team or event. 07504-684641

Remember. As a club you do not have to do anything except allow EMP access to your members. We do the rest

Its a no brainer. Money for your club for nothing.

Call Geoff Now 07504-684641

Email us your details

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